VORIGE Evenementen.


July 23, 2021

John Moran takes over the Gent Glas team to create a twisted version of a child hood favorite for part of a new piece. Check out the video and see how this amazing piece is made.

Funded by Flanders State of the Arts

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE Stream with Bavo Cremers

February 26, 2021

Bavo Cremers takes over the Gent Glas team to colorfully create a new one of a kind sculpture! What will he make? Check out the video!

Funded by Flanders State of the Arts

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE Stream with Bavo Cremers

Janurary 29, 2021

Marta Byrdziak takes over the Gent Glas team to create one of her unique monsters from molten liquid glass. Check out her skills as she leads the team to a wonderfully grotesque work of art.

Funded by Flanders State of the Arts

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE Stream with Bavo Cremers

December 10, 2021

In this FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE Stream John Moran works with the Gent Glas team to sculpt one of his unique works of art out of molten glass. This particular sculpture is based on the character of Lumiere and blends elements of religious iconography. Watch as they work together to create this intense piece.

Funded by Flanders State of the Arts